Industrial Elegy
The commitment to produce as a 'work of art'
We believe that the "art of making" and the "made as a work of art" are a modality referring to man in general and to the totality of his works, not only to his artistic expressions. This is our point of view. This is our daily commitment.
Architect Flavio Albanese will tell us about this, in the video of the famous director Riccardo De Cal.

1993 - 2018
Twenty-five years dedicated to design, produce and sell in Italy and all over the world waterproofing systems; dedicated to study and research solutions and products with successful characteristics and performance in a Certified Quality System (ISO 9001). Twenty-five years lived to safeguard the environment through the conscious usage of resources and the constant reduction of the production impact also using renewable sources (ISO 14001).
Twenty-five years spent in the commitment to make the workplace more and more pleasant, with particular attention to the health and safety of all employees (OHSAS ISO 18001).
Twenty-five years invested in promoting sustainable development in construction also through the realization of integrated photovoltaic systems (USGBC).

It is General Membrane's belief that the value of the Company lies not only in its ability to optimize production and income processes, but also to contribute to the social, cultural and environmental sustainability of the reference context.
Respect nature and in particular the place where the company produces; create safe, healthy and stimulating work environments; spread the taste for quality and innovation; enhance the territory and the technical, artistic and architectural culture: the entrepreneurial mission of General Membrane is also recognized for these aspects.
General Membrane Loves Earth is the project that aims to realize the Company's commitment to the environment.

Founded in 2006 in Buzau to serve all the countries of the Balkan area more efficiently, GENERAL MEMBRANE ROMANIA replicates the technological and quality standards of General Membrane SpA Italy through a synergistic collaboration between the two companies
GENERAL MEMBRANE SpA was founded: in Ceggia headquarters (near Venice) it started to produce bitumen waterproofing membranes.
The second production line was installed. Corporate goal: improving the Quality of processes and products made.
General Membrane SpA received the ISO 9001 Certification of the Quality Management System in design and production of bituminous waterproofing membranes.
Progettocontemporaneo project was created with the dual purpose of promoting the works of young emerging Italian and foreign architects in Europe.
General Membrane SpA received the ISO 14001 Certification of the Environmental Management System for its plant in Ceggia. This result was also obtained thanks to considerable environmental invesments.
Progettocontemporaneo became the eclusive venue for Triennale Off for Veneto and Friuli venezia Giulia regions.
The third production line was activated for the extension of the products range.
General Membrane SA was established in Buzău (Romania) with a bitumen membrane production line.
New technology: CUT FIRE, the new waterproofing membranes system to protect buildings from external fire risk, Class E certified.
The Company developed GENERAL SOLAR PV, the new flexible photovoltaic waterproofing system architecturally integrated to produce clean electrical energy.
New tecnology: GENERAL FIX, an innovative fastening system for traditional photovoltaic structures on roofs.
General Membrane received the OHSAS 18001 Certification of Occupational and Safety Management System.
The Company became member of U.S. Green Building Council, association aimed at promoting green construction industry.
General Membrane introduced the innovative N.E.W. waterproofing systems: durable, sustainable ed cost-efficient with 20-year Warranty.
The Company celebrated 20 years of successful activity in Italy and Worldwide thanks to the quality of its waterproofing products and systems.
Renowned Italian director Riccardo De Cal produced General Membrane's corporate video:“Industrial Elegy”.
General Membrane certified its own Carbon Footprint according to the international standard UNI EN ISO 14064 -1:2012.
NEXT has been created: an innovative system to make roofs waterproof using the induction technique.
Hail-Shield product range is created: the bituminous membranes offering the maximum certified protection against hail.
General Membrane launches Eco-liquids: water-based liquid waterproofing solutions with low environmental impact.
In the factory plant of Ceggia, an innovative system is installed, capable of further reducing emissions and bringing the environmental impact of our production down to a minimum.
General Membrane obtains UNI EN ISO 14021 Certification, which allows the Company to issue Self-declared Environmental Claims for its products.
Another step towards reducing the environmental impact: Ecofriendly is born, the first line of polymerbitumen membranes with a high recycled content, flanked by materials for thermal insulation.
General Membrane obtains the UNI ISO 45001 Certification, replacing the Anglo-Saxon OHSAS 18001 certification, regarding the internationally recognized requirements for a Workers’ Health and Safety Management System.