22 12 2020 |
The green commitment continues: we are pleased to announce that, in November 2020, General Membrane has obtained a new international certification in the field of environmental sustainability policies: UNI EN ISO 14021.
This is the standard that authorizes the emission of self-declared environmental product claims directly from the certified company.
Specifically, General Membrane will be able to issue self-declared environmental claims on bituminous membranes regarding the content of recycled material.
Recycling of materials is nowadays a very important resource to safeguard the environment, and is an integral part of the emerging concept of circular economy: the use of raw materials is reduced and compensated with the waste and refuse of the first production cycle which are recycled, or rather put back into production, becoming second raw materials and thus reducing the environmental impact (fewer virgin resources used and fewer products thrown away to be disposed of). This promotes the transition from the "take, produce, dispose" philosophy, typical of the linear economy, to the "recycle, reuse, reduce" philosophy.
The value of the UNI EN ISO 14012 standard is internationally recognised, as expressed by the acronyms that precede its number:
- UNI EN: a standard drawn up by CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) and transposed by the Italian national standard (UNI - Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione), in accordance with the obligations to standardise technical regulations throughout Europe;
- ISO: standard formulated by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and therefore valid all over the world.
For General Membrane, the UNI EN ISO 14021 certification represents a new goal in a path of eco-sustainability already witnessed by the achievement of previous, important international certifications on a voluntary basis: UNI EN ISO 14001, concerning the environmental impact management system, and UNI EN ISO 14064, concerning the monitoring of its own carbon footprint.
Last but not least, General Membrane belongs to the US Green Building Council, a globally renowned association for the promotion of sustainable building.
Together they form a "green range" of compliance with international standards that confirm the company's ongoing commitment to environmental protection and respect.