Strenghts of the product:
- Multi-purpose: 4 in 1
- Can be applied horizontally and vertically
- Coatable
- Not subject to bacterial contamination
Solvent-free: non-toxic, odourless and non-flammable, to safeguard personal health and the environment.
Product not subject to transport restrictions.
General Ecoliquid Super is a multi-purpose thixotropic waterproofing liquid in bituminous emulsion, containing special elastomer resins and special additives. Features optimal adhesion, good elasticity and durability; easy to lay (cold-applied), it can be used as a:
- liquid membrane (dilutable up to 10%)
- bituminous sealant
- binder for insulating panels
- anti-dust primer (diluted 50%).
Solvent-free: non-toxic, odourless and non-flammable, to safeguard personal health and the environment.
Fibre cement
Prefabricated membranes
Liquid membranes
Ceramic paving
Application methods: with paint roller, paint brush, push broom, spreader, scraper or airless.
Apply at ambient temperatures between +5°C and +35°C. Avoid applying in conditions of fog, rain, frost or extreme heat and cold. On surfaces exceeding 10 m2 or on supports subject to stress, we recommend adding a suitable reinforcement to General Ecoliquid Super. If the waterproofing layer is left exposed, the surface should be coated over with suitable protective agents.
5, 10 or 20 kg plastic pails.
310 ml cartridges (24-piece boxes).
Colour: black.