VERTIGEN bituminous waterproofing membranes employing a highly adhesive elasto-plastomeric compound that ensures ease of application on vertical surfaces.
VERTIGEN employs a compound consisting in distilled bitumen modified with adhesive elastomeric polymers; its excellent quality is highlighted by two indicators: cold flexibility and high adhesiveness. These parameters help the operator during vertical application on retaining walls and also during torch on processes (a small flame is sufficient). Membrane suitable for application in all climatic zones. The good cold flexibility (-15° C) enables aneasy application and allows the membrane to be ideally suited to be applied in areas with harsh climates.
The reinforcement used in the VERTIGEN membranes consists in a heavyweight glass-reinforced rot-proof non-woven polyester fiber. Thanks to its excellent dimensional stability VERTIGEN ensures high performance and avoids shrinkage of the waterproofing surface.
The reinforcement employed by VERTIGEN features good mechanical properties, tensile strength, elongation at break and tear resistance, and facilitates the laying procedure on retaining walls by preventing the roller from sagging during vertical unwinding.